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How to Humanize AI Writing for Free: Simple Tricks Anyone Can Use

In recent years, content creation has become more dynamic due to the advancement in the digital platform. Owing to the need to produce work that is fast and of high quality, writers, businesses, and creators have no option than to use AI writing tools. Specifically, the application of the AI writing technology such as GPT has made it easier for the creation of content in that it is time-saving and efficient to an extent. Probably the most significant problem will be to make the AI-created content seem as natural as it should.  

 It is impossible to run through all these tricks and apply them in practice to humanize AI writing for free but we have prepared a brief to help you out. It does not matter whether you are using AI for writing blog posts, emails or for social media, these techniques will assist you put a human touch that will be appealing to the readers. 


Why Humanizing AI Writing is Important


AI writing tools are superb at providing ideas, creating and writing content as well as making the process quicker, but it is terrible at capturing the emotional tone and approach that a human writer would bring. Therefore, the content created using AI cannot be as engaging, personal or unique as the one written by the living human.


Humanizing AI writing is essential because:Humanizing AI writing is essential because:


  • It builds trust and connection with the reader.
  • Engages audiences more effectively.
  • Improves SEO by reducing bounce rates and increasing time on page.


It is, however, quite fascinating to state that these results can be actually achieved without necessarily having to invest in very expensive tools. Now, let’s go right ahead and explore the five easy and zero-cost approaches anyone can employ to make their AI-written content come alive.


1. Learning about the Defects of AI Writing


AI writing tools are pre-designed such that they will pattern themselves with the data fed to it. However, despite their ability to write coherent content, they often miss important human elements such as:However, despite their ability to write coherent content, they often miss important human elements such as: 


  •  Contextual understanding: AI lacks depth and cannot endeepth understand the context and sometimes even misunderstand it. 


  •  Emotional depth: Logical well-said, though everything can sound rather dry and fail to elicit readers’ emotions as a rule. 


  •  Empathy: AI cannot ‘feel’ and therefore cannot add the feeling into writing. 


  •  Creativity: Copywriting and AI writing instruments copy content forms and ideas, but it can be uncreative and also contain limited thoughts. 


Comprehending these constraints is essential if one is to try and bring a human touch to what may be regarded as AI material. 


2. Some Easy Methods to Make Essay Perfectly Sound Written by a Human for Free 


 Use Conversational Language 


 To humanize AI writing it is very simple, this is because you write as if you are writing to a person. Do not use formal terms and do not write like writing an academic paper. 


  •  Tip: Shorten words where possible, for example instead of writing ‘do not’ use ‘don’t’ or instead of ‘you are’ use ‘you’re’. 


 Example: Do not write: ‘The user can enhance the content by editing it correctly’, write: ‘It is possible to make the content even better — just edit it!


Analytics for Tone and Style 


 In using the AI tools, it may come up with well spelled and wholesome text but lacks the appeal of an interesting tone. Thus, for your paper you should alter the tone to that of the targeted audience. Is it friendly? Professional? Casual? Give the tone a friendly tone. 


  •  Tip: To be more engaging, it is recommended to utilize explicitly referring words, such as we, you and our. 


  •  Example: Rewrite the sentence: “The product has a number of advantages” to read: “You will appreciate all the opportunities that this product will provide for you. ” 


Add Personal Experiences and Examples


One can easily note that AI does not have personal experiences thus to make the content more real-life oriented you should add some of your experience or examples may be cases you have been through. Include actual-life stories which belongs to the topic to make it different from objective-focused one. 


  • Tip: Use “I” or “we” whenever possible to provide a personal tone to the document. 


  • Example: If an article was generated by an AI and it is an article about productivity, one of the samples might look like this: ‘I realised that time-management approaches were very beneficial to apply to my job’. " 



Integrated. Improve on Cells, Rows and Columns. 


 Some of the disadvantages are also observed; it is, for instance, noted that the text produced by AI has similar sentence lengths and structures. In order to make the text more personal and therefore more engaging, it is also advisable to use both short and long sentences. 


  •  Tip: Split large segments into two’s and make statements much more impactful. 


  •  Example: Instead of “The use of time has to be controlled because it results in increased productivity try rewriting it in prose; Time management is essential, productivity improves. 


 Incorporate Humor and Emotion 


 It is therefore quite evident that one of the best methods of humanizing content is through the use of humor. While AI doesn’t understand humor it can be quite helpful to insert a joke or an informal phrase into your content to make it more friendly. 


  •  Tip: Please, don’t overdo; but add some spice, some fun to the mix. 


 Example: Don’t write, “AI writing can be useful,” write, “AI writing is like the robot helper in movies, except there isn’t any metallic voice!” 


 Shift Your Focus to Human-Generated Content to get inspired 


Still, it helps to leverage AI in the work, but it’s crucial to use human-produced content as a base. Still, any type of human source can enrich the content of the AI-written text: pull quotes, references to the ongoing studies, or even the rewritings of the articles written by the experts. 


  •  Tip: Integrate the real human input with what the AI is generating in order to have it balanced. 


3. The Importance and Application of SEO towards Giving AI Writing a More Personal Twist


 When humanizing AI writing, don’t forget about SEO. While there are programmes that can perform optimisation, there is still a need to employ an editor to write keywords and input these into the content in a manner that will not disrupt the flow of the piece. Instead of cramming your selected keywords in your article make sure they fit in the-flow of the article. 


 High Search Volume Keywords: Some of the recommendations are free writing tools, enhance artificial intelligence writing, 


It helps to use the terms that relate to your content, such as ‘best AI content’, ‘SEO for AI content’, and ‘humanizing AI writing’ deliberately. 


This is also important in ensuring that any content created remains as natural as possible, while at the same time ensures that SEO considerations are not compromised in the process. 




Speed: Can ensure that his/her production of content is fast.

Lacks Emotional Depth: Lacks abilities to express real feelings

Consistency: Ensures that the specific tone and writing style that has been adopted are kept throughout.

Creativity Limits: Some of the most common problems of AI-generated content are that they are unoriginal.

Cost-Effective: Cuts the need of having to recruit other writers

Contextual Errors: They may misrepresent complicated environments

Great for SEO: Gen advantage optimizes content without invading abundance

Robotic Tone: As much as the supply of content may be good, the audience may find the content impersonal if it is not properly edited.

Idea Generation: They are very good in coming up with ideas in the business.

Requires Human Editing: Has to be transformed and fine-tuned manually to satisfy human readers and/or viewers.



5: Tricks on how to overcome the challenges presented by AI writing as an editor.


  1. Read It Aloud: Hearing the content rather than just looking at it makes it easier to score unexpected language and to inflect the text with a more natural feeling.


  1. Add Transitions: Chopping up AI content is a common occurrence. Such phrases as, “On the other hand,” “Moreover,” or “32However,” can facilitate smoother transitions.


  1. Emphasis on Active Voice: Where there are passive voice sentences, block them out with change to make the active voice rather than the normal outlay.


  1. Personalize It: Make use of the second person ‘you’ in a bid to directly make reference to the audience in the text.


  1. Check for Repetitions: Because AI is a parrot sometimes, make sure there is no unconstructive duplication.


6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Q1: Why do I need to bring out the human appeal when it comes to AI writing?


Humanizing the AI writing makes the tip more relatable, appealing and acceptable by the audience hence no chances of bouncing out to other sites.


Q2: Is it possible to do without human writers due to advances in AI?


Even though AI is excellent in creating content, it cannot effectively replace writers as it lacks emotional intelligence, imagination, and understanding of context.


Q3: How can I make AI content more colloquial?


By writing the content in a more relaxed manner, striking a tone, using personal anecdotes, and including funny parts, the AI content can be more convincing.


Q4: Are there any benefits of AI writing as it relates to SEO?


Indeed, SEO friendly content can be generated through AI writing, however, it is essential to cote edit the work to remove all stiff text that sounds too mechanical.


Q5: What are the most effective free methods of making AI writing sound more human?


Free humanization of AI writing can be achieved using basic language, tone knowledge and any personal grammatical permutation and addition of sentence combinations.


Q6: What are the dangers posed by using AI content generation tools exclusively without the human touch?


AI generated content is monotonic and lacks a large percentage of emotional content and creativity and can distort complicated information hence the need for human editing.


7:Final Thought


Making an effort to humanize AI writing is a requirement more so for the content creators who wish to work with AI tools. Although the use of AI tools can bring about efficiency and speed, the human element remains very critical in making interesting and appealing content to the audience. Even sticking to the basic principles laid down in this guide – writing as if you are talking to a friend, including yourself, changing the way you write – will help you take AI text and make it more appealing to people.

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